In this blog, I will be summarizing the main takeaways from the lecture "Think Fast, Talk Smart" by Matt Abrahams. The lecture gives a lot of wonderful insights on spontaneous speaking.
In this blog, I will be summarizing the main takeaways from lecture 20 of the "How to Start a Startup" course in 2014. Sam Altman discusses about things you should ignore when you start, but become important a year in.
In this blog, I will be summarizing the main takeaways from lecture 19 of the "How to Start a Startup" course in 2014. Tyler Bosmeny and other YC partners talk about sales and marketing and How to Talk to Investors in this 3 segment lecture.
In this blog, I will be summarizing the main takeaways from lecture 18 of the "How to Start a Startup" course in 2014. Kirsty Nathoo, CFO at Y Combinator, and Carolynn Levy, General Counsel at Y Combinator, discuss Getting the legal, finance (equity allocation, vesting), accounting, and other overheads right for a startup.
In this blog, I will be summarizing the main takeaways from lecture 17 of the "How to Start a Startup" course in 2014. Hosain Rahman, CEO and Founder of Jawbone, covers the design process for building hardware products users love.